News & Updates sent March 22, 2022
Posted on March 22nd, 2022
Dear Campus Community,
Over the last month, the ctcLink team has worked diligently on items identified post-ctcLink implementation. Tremendous progress has been made resulting in 13 items being completed and numerous in progress. We want to recognize the work that has been completed to date and provide an update on the status of other identified issues.
Completed summit items:
- ctcLink security/access issues for multiple departments;
- Identified Clearinghouse reporting issues and Student Services will be working with Instructional Colleagues to continue to refine the data in ctcLink;
- Updated or replace enrollment requirements (pre-requisites) that did not function properly and other issues that prevent students from registering for Winter;
- Determined process for notifying students of classes that were canceled during winter quarter;
- Resolved incorrect tuition/fees for many students, some are still in process;
- And more!
In progress summit items:
- Program coding and admissions for BAS degrees, as well as other student program coding updates;
- Process refinement for course coding/tuition calculations;
- Creation of resources for managers to ensure smoother pay period processing sent on Tuesday 3/15, contact us if you did not receive the email;
- Staffing capacity to complete transcript rebuilds in ctcLink for students who did not convert or have not attended in many years;
- Refining the enrollment cancellation (unpaid drop) process.
Upcoming summit items:
- Departmental process changes related to course catalog fees and course list fees;
- Work with SBCTC to resolve known system-wide issues that affect statement reconciliations;
- Data migration into TargetX and other auxiliary systems;
- Update the educational plan system for ctcLink data.
- The Financial Aid office will be closed Tuesday, March 22 for satisfactory academic progress review and on Wednesday, March 23, and Thursday, March 24 for their own “ctcLink go-live” experience beginning with processing for the 2022/2023 aid year. To support this significant new workload and to give financial aid staff an opportunity to train together, the Financial Aid office will be closed for two days of training during the spring break. The training will also impact student aid disbursement, which will not take place next week.
Signage outlining the closure dates has been posted at both campuses, and these dates are also noted on the website.
- Post ctcLink implementation there have been numerous changes, and not just with systems we use regularly. Many processes and procedures have shifted to other staff or departments. To provide clarity across the College, the Process Change Guide was created to outline changes to many common processes and points of contact available by each department.
Please note: this document will continue to evolve as changes occur, therefore it is recommended that staff save or bookmark this document in place of printing. - This week marks the end of the quarter, as such we would like to remind faculty of the help guides available on the Resources for Faculty page on the ctcLink website.
- Also a reminder that the ctcLink website is the first place you should look for help with ctcLink for both employee and students. If what you need help with is not listed on the website, then please contact the IT Help Desk and they will enter a ticket and escalate it to the correct support person.