ctcLink Training and Resources for Faculty
ctcLink is the new online management platform for faculty, staff, and students. It replaces several decades-old legacy systems. This page is intended to serve as a resource for faculty at Skagit Valley College.
Topics and Tutorials
Click on the topic of the accordion box for video tutorials and supplemental PDF information. A set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) may follow the tutorials and guides in each accordion box.
FYI: For those faculty members who would like to be knowledgeable about the student experience in ctcLink during the registration process, feel free to visit the ctcLink Resources for Students page.
On the ctcLink Gateway screen, faculty will use the Faculty Center application for the following instructor tasks:
- Manage course schedules.
- Review class rosters.
- Enter end-of-quarter final grades.
Courtesy of Seattle Colleges, below is an introductory video tour of the applications contained in a faculty member’s ctcLink account:
On the ctcLink Gateway screen, faculty will use the HCM (Human Capital Management) and Financial Self-Services applications for the following personnel tasks:
- Update personal information.
- Confirm salary schedule.
- Review benefits.
- Change tax status.
- Create time sheets.
- Enter leave and absence requests.
- Submit expense reports.
Account Activation
The ctcLink login icon will be located on the Employee Portal.
You may also login to ctcLink directly:
- ctcLink Login: gateway.ctclink.us
First-time users will click a “Activate Account” link at the bottom of the login screen. When activating your account, you will be asked to create a new password. A new ctcLInk employee ID number will be generated.
PDF: Activate Your ctcLink Account
Account Activation FAQs
Q: How do I find the ctcLink login screen?
A: There will be a ctcLink login icon located on the Employee Portal. You can also log on via this link: https://gateway.ctcLink.us
Q: I’m having trouble logging into ctcLink, do you have some suggestions?
A: Try using an incognito (private) browser window in your favorite browser. The incognito (private) mode is usually accessible through the menu at the top right corner of the screen.
- Google Chrome: click on three vertical dots on top right and select “incognito” window.
- Brave: click on little red circle with a house on top right and select “private” window.
- DuckDuckGo – allows you to browse privately all the time.
Q: How will I get my new ctcLink ID number?
A: For faculty or returning students, you get your new ctcLink ID number (called EMPLID in the system) when you activate your ctcLink account. Be sure to write down your new number when you get it and keep it in a safe place.
Q: Will the ctcLink ID number replace my SID?
A: Yes, if you previously had an SID your ctcLink ID number replaces your old SID.
Q: Will my ctcLink password be the same as my Skagit Valley College network login?
A: While this is a possibility for the future, right now employees should anticipate having a unique password for the ctcLink system. To login, use your ctcLink ID number (EMPLID) and a password. The EMPLID replaces your SID.
Q: What if I already have a ctcLink ID number from another college?
A: If you have already received a ctcLink ID number from another college, you do not need to activate your account or receive a new number. The ctcLink ID number you already have is what you will use.
Q: What if I’m an instructor and also a student or staff member?
A: The “applications” you will see in your ctcLink access correspond to your roles at Skagit Valley College. Important note: the contact information you enter through the “Personal Details” tile in Employee Self Service will override the contact information you enter through the “Profile” tile in Student Self Service.
Q: Will new employees be active in ctcLink before their first day?
A: Human Resources do most of the set-up for new employees before their first day, but employees themselves must enter key pieces of information (including selecting a password and setting security questions) to activate their ctcLink accounts. For most employees, account activation will occur during the first day on the job.
Faculty Center
What is Faculty Center?
- Faculty Center is the primary ctcLink application that instructors will use to manage their classes.
- Faculty Center replaces several legacy systems that instructors have used. This includes Instructor Briefcase and its class and grade rosters functions.
- Instructors will use the following Faculty Center pages for these tasks:
- My Schedule to view your quarterly course schedule.
- Class Roster to review class rosters – including course waitlists.
- Grade Roster to enter end-of-quarter final grades.
- Contract Info for part-time faculty to accept their quarterly teaching load contracts and for full-time faculty to accept moonlight contracts.
- Search Menu to search for classes, the course catalog, and faculty members.
FYI: It’s recommended faculty use other tools (e.g. Outlook and Canvas) rather than the Search Menu.
Below is an introductory video tour and accompanying PDF document of an instructor’s ctcLink Faculty Center application:
Video: Faculty Center
My Schedule
What is My Schedule?
- My Schedule is the default page in Faculty Center. It allows instructors to view their current and historic course schedules.
- My Schedule lists each instructor’s course with the course section number being a link to a Class Detail page that provides general information about the course.
- Class Roster and Grade Roster may be accessed via icon links on the My Schedule page or they may be accessed on the left-side navigation bar.
FYI: Faculty should not use the “Access Gradebook” and “Class Assignments” icons that appear next to each course name (these functions are in Canvas):

(?) Note: the Access Gradebook icon is the only way to view a current class roster with “W” (withdraw) listed. For more information, see the FAQs in the Class Roster accordion.
My Schedule FAQs
Q: After viewing the “View My Weekly Teaching Schedule”, how do I edit or update it?
A: The View Weekly Teaching Schedule page is based on information supplied d by your division office scheduler. Faculty are unable to edit the Weekly Teaching Schedule page. However, if a course scheduling change is implemented by your division, your Weekly Teaching Schedule page will be updated.
Class Roster and Waitlist
What is Class Roster?
- The Class Roster page in the Faculty Center application enables instructors to view student course rosters.
- A course roster may be accessed by an “Access Class Roster” icon on the My Schedule page or directly by a Class Roster page link located on the left-side Faculty Center navigation bar.
- Use one of these two handouts for more details.
FYI: The class rosters in ctcLink DO NOT include student phone numbers or email addresses. It is recommended that instructors use TargetX to view complete student contact information.
- TargetX Login: https://login.salesforce.com/
Class Roster FAQs
Q: I do not see my students’ phone number and email address listed on my class roster. How do I get this information?
A: It is recommended that instructors use TargetX to access student phone numbers and email addresses.
Q: After looking at a class roster, how do I return to my course list?
A: On the left-side vertical navigation bar, click the “My Schedule” page link. This will take you back to your course list.
Q: Is it possible to print my class roster?
A: Yes. Scroll to the bottom of your class roster screen then scroll to the far right-side. Click the “Printer friendly Version” link.
Q: Students have withdrawn from my current course but I don’t see a “W” next to their name on my course roster. How do I know if a student withdrew during the quarter?
A: In the Faculty Center application on the My Schedule page, click on the Access Gradebook icon. It is the second icon from the left of the icons list next to each class title name. NOTE: It will become the third icon from the left when Grade Rosters are available.
On the Gradebook page, click on “Requirement Designation” which is the fourth item to the right of “Go To”, just below the class information box. This will show a different view of your roster and should have a “W” shown for any students who have withdrawn.
Q: When registering for classes, my students are being prompted for entry and/or permission codes. Are these available in ctcLink?
A: No. Contact your division office about instructions for receiving entry codes.
Q: May I add an overload student to my course in ctcLink?
A: No. Contact your division office or the registrar about instructions for adding overload students to your courses.
Q: What happened to my course(s) item numbers? They look very different in ctcLink.
A: The previous course item number is now called “Class Number” and is five digits in length. NOTE: Please always include your Class Number when asking for assistance with a class or grade roster issue.
Grade Roster
What is Grade Roster?
- The Grade Roster page in the Faculty Center application enables instructors to submit end-of-quarter final course grades.
- A grade roster may be accessed by a Grade Roster icon on the My Schedule page or directly by a Grade Roster page link located on the left-side Faculty Center navigation bar.
FYI: The Grade Roster page WILL NOT be activated until the final weeks of a quarter.
FYI: Unlike Instructor Briefcase, there is NO CONFIRMATION issued after instructors successfully submit course grades. Note: If the roster has been posted, you will see the word “Posted” next to the Approval Status field. This will appear only after the Registrar’s official grade submission date deadline.
Here is a 7 step Quick Guide developed specifically for Skagit Valley College:
Here is a more complete step by step guide from the State Board: Entering Grades
Grade Roster FAQs
Q: I see an “Access Gradebook” icon next to my Class Name. Is this like Grade Roster?
A: No. Gradebook allows faculty to grade course assignments. SVC not using this option. Faculty will continue using Canvas to manage course assignments. You will use Grade Roster to enter and submit end-of-quarter grades.
Q: Am I able to enter and save “draft” grades before they are ready for final submittal?
A: Yes. After entering your draft grades, you click “Save” then proceed to the “Action Approval Status” field dropdown box & make sure “Not Reviewed” is selected. If it isn’t, select it, then click “Save” again. When ready to submit your grades, you’ll change the “Not Reviewed” option to “Approve”, then “Save” once more. This action will then post your grades to the Registrar.
Q: How do I change a student’s grade after I have entered final grades, approved them for the course, and saved?
A: Faculty are unable to change grades on a roster with an “Approved” status displaying (in the Action Approval Status field) after they have been saved. However, you can change the status to “Not Reviewed” to change grades, then change the status to “Approved” once more and click Save before the grade post process runs.
Q: How do I know my grades were successfully approved and submitted?
A: You can verify if grades were successfully approved by navigating to the Grade Roster; the Grade Roster Action Approval Status field will state “Approved. If the roster has been posted, you will see the word “Posted” next to the Approval Status field.
Q: I’m missing students from my Grade Roster. Where are their names?
A: There are only 20 students listed per page. If you have more than 20 students on your Grade Roster, you must click the little arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the grade roster to get to the “next page”.
Q: I see I could post a “Transcript Note”. What information may I enter?
A: DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING IF YOU SEE THIS OPTION. It should already be disabled. It literally posts these notes directly on the student’s official transcript. If allowed to enter anything in this field, the Registrar must manually remove it.
Q: Will I submit a Grade Change request in Grade Roster?
A: No. This option is currently disabled. Please submit a Change of Grade Form to Enrollment Services
Q: How can I review any “I” Incomplete grades or “Y” Ongoing grades I issued from previous quarters?
A: In the Faculty Center application on the My Schedule page, click the Change Term button and select a previous quarter. Next to one of your course names, click on the Access Gradebook icon. It is the second icon from the left of the icons list next to each class title name. NOTE: It will be the third icon from the left when Grade Rosters are available.
On the Gradebook page, click on “Requirement Designation” which is the 4th item to the right of “Go To” row, just below the class information box. This will show a different view of your roster and will have an “I” or “Y” grade for any students who received one.
Q: How can I submit an Incomplete Grade?
If you will be submitting an Incomplete Grade (I) for a student, an Incomplete Grade Contract should be completed in consultation with the student that identifies all remaining coursework. Please have the student approve the contract or agreement from their SVC email account. The Incomplete Grade Contract, or email agreement, should be sent or forwarded to the Registration Email Account.
Here are a few additional details about issuing an Incomplete Grade:
- There should be reasonable expectation the student will be able to pass the course before an “I” grade is granted.
- The student should be aware the instructor will be issuing an “I” grade and the student agrees to receive the “I” grade.
- Upon completion of the work and a final grade is established, please submit a Change of Grade Form to Enrollment Services
- If there are any remaining “I’ grades at the end of the next quarter, those “I” grades will be converted to a “F” grades. Summer Quarter is excluded for this purpose. It will be December when we will convert the Spring Quarter “I” grades to “F” grades if we have not received an updated final grade.
- Students who are on financial aid or other funding resources that require completed coursework at the conclusion of each quarter may fall into funding suspension with the receipt of an Incomplete (I) grade. Here is a link to the current petition form used to request reinstatement of financial aid.
Q: What happened to my course(s) item numbers? They look very different in ctcLink.
A: The previous course item number is now called “Class Number” and is five digits in length. NOTE: Please always include your Class Number when asking for assistance with a class or grade roster issue.
Contract Info
What is Contract Info?
- The Contract Info page in the Faculty Center application allows part-time instructors to view and accept (or reject) their quarterly teaching load contracts.
- Full-time faculty use the Contract Info page to view and accept (or reject) a quarterly moonlight course contract.
- The Contract Info page link is located on the left-side Faculty Center navigation bar.
- Use this handout for detailed step-by-step contract information.
Communicating with Students
Using Canvas
Recommended: It is recommended that faculty continue using Canvas as a primary method for communications with students.
- Canvas Login: skagit.instructure.com
Using Email
Recommended: It is recommended that faculty continue using their campus email accounts as a primary method for communications with students.
FYI: Students may continue using their private email addresses when communicating with faculty or use their campus supplied Gmail email accounts.
Using TargetX
Recommended: Given that complete student contact information is unavailable in ctcLink Faculty Center or Canvas, it is recommended that faculty make use of TargetX as a method for locating contact information and entering advising notes.
Using ctcLink
Faculty Center
- Class Roster: Instructors may contact students individually or as a group using the Notify Students buttons listed at the bottom of each course roster.
- Waitlist: On the Class Roster page, instructors may contact waitlisted students individually or as a group using the Notify Students buttons listed at the bottom of each waitlist.
- Grade Roster: Instructors may contact students individually or as a group using the Notify Students buttons listed at the bottom of each course grade roster once the grade rosters appear – near the end of each quarter.
FYI: ctcLink is the ONLY way to contact waitlisted students.
Communicating with Students FAQs
Q: Can students send messages from ctcLink to their instructors?
A: No. Students can receive messages in their Student Message Center tile from other college departments like admissions, registration, and financial aid. However, students are unable to send messages from this tile. NOTE: Faculty may send messages to students from the Faculty Center Course Roster page, but these messages are sent to the students’ email account not their ctcLink account.
Process changes since Fall 2021
As of January 2022, the procedures for several important faculty processes have changed. Below is updated information as the transition to our new system progresses. Click on the topic of the accordion box to see details and planned changes.
Advising – Progress Reports
Currently, faculty have no access to student progress reports. Faculty can expect this to be available for the start of Spring quarter 2022, when ctcLink data is mapped to this tool.
Advising – Discipline Reports
Maxient has now been updated for ctcLink ID numbers.
Advising – Early Alerts
Currently faculty should email the Advising Center, advising@skagit.edu, to initiate an early alert. The early alert function in the progress reporting system will be available for use with ctcLink data by Spring quarter 2022.
Advising – Educational Plans
Faculty can still use the legacy Ed Planner tool, but only with legacy SID numbers, and same with students. Faculty can expect to use new ctclink ID numbers in the Ed Planner tool for the start of Spring quarter. Students will be able to access their plans using new MySVC login for the start of Spring quarter 2022.
Advising – Faculty Lists
Advising lists will be available in ctclink and TargetX based on reports. Advisees are migrated one at a time and should be finished for the start of Spring quarter 2022.
eLearning – Request Canvas Class
Canvas integration to ctclink is complete. Use this system to request a Canvas course shell, or a link between Canvas courses.
Instruction – Class Capacity
To request an increase in class capacity (to allow students from waitlists) send an email to your Department Chair or Dean. Once Enrollment Services receives clearance that the course capacity is raised, we manually push the students from the waitlist within one business day.
Enrollment – Change Grade
To change a grade after grade submission is closed, use the online Change of Grade form. For details, see the “Grade Roster” section above.
Enrollment – Incomplete Grade
To file an incomplete grade, submit the online Incomplete Form to registration@skagit.edu. For details, see the “Grade Roster” section above.
Enrollment – Academic Advisement Report
Many Academic Advisement Reports (AARs) have been built in ctcLink, and we will continue to add more throughout the quarter/year. Start with AAR before using legacy Progress Tracker.
Enrollment – Student Records
Student records from Fall 2021 will be uploaded to ctclink for Spring quarter 2022. TargetX retention uploads with class and grade information will also be uploaded to ctclink for Spring quarter 2022.
Enrollment – Registration Status
Faculty can check on student registration status in the Advisor Center in ctclink. This will also be available in TargetX soon. Needed if students tell you that they are having trouble registering
COVID-19 Attestation
Students should review the Message Center in ctclink to see holds on their student account. Students can check their student record for instructions on what to do. Information is logged in TargetX multiple times a day.
Enrollment – Graduation
Students should use the legacy Graduation form through the 21-22 academic year. They can apply for graduation in ctcLink for the 22-23 academic year.